The Farm

Falasco Farm, in Cascina Falasco Inferiore, Casalbeltrame (NO), is specialised in the cultivation and sale of rice, with a particular focus on some special varieties of rice.

The Farm is a member of SA.PI.SE. (, the Sardinian and Piedmontese Seeds Cooperative that conducts intensive research to select increasingly improved varieties of rice, in a natural way.

If you come to visit us, we shall be happy to show you the different varieties of rice available and all of our products. We can also help you select the ones that are best suited to your needs.

Our Products

Come to Visit Us

Azienda Agricola Falasco Soc. Agr. S.S. Cascina Falasco Inferiore, Snc
28060 Casalbeltrame (NO)
tel: 0321 838238 | e-mail: